have young
[网络] 有后代
- I hope that we will have a young teacher this time so that we can speak more English.
我希望有一个年轻的老师,这样,我们有更多讲英语的机会。 - Those of you who have young children will immediately recognize this exercise.
那些有小孩的读者们立刻会认出这个练习。 - The incidences of depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia peak at the age when men are most likely to have young children.
当男人最可能得孩子的年龄时,抑郁、焦虑、酗酒、精神活性物质的滥用、双相性精神障碍和精神分裂症的发病率达到了顶峰。 - Your department be lucky in have a young man who be humble and diligent.
你们部门有这样一个又谦虚,又勤奋的年轻人真是幸运。 - Most of them have young children below school age.
他们中多数人都有岁数不到学龄期的孩子。 - On the other hand you have young people saying how do I get started?
同时也有年轻人询问该如何起步。 - I don't know his plans and when you get to that age and have a young family you wonder whether he does have plans to go back to Holland.
我不知道他的计划,到了这个年纪还拖家带口你还不知道他会不会回到国家队。 - I have greatly enjoyed teaching some of you. I have encountered young minds here that are as good as any in the world.
我在北大遇见了如此之多的剽窃,这一事实说明了其它教授和行政官员的所作所为。 - Murdoch and Deng have two young daughters, Grace and Chloe, who were born in 2001 and 2003, respectively.
默多克和邓文迪育有2个小女儿,2011年出生的Grace和2003年出生的Chloe。 - Or to flip it around, households with dogs tend not to have young children.